Zion 2013
After hiking four days in Bryce, we spent three more days hiking in Zion, and hiking in the Narrows, and working on my junior ranger badge and patch. Zion is equally as beautiful as Bryce. And the junior ranger books I had to complete at Bryce and Zion were the toughest and most challenging - lots of math and science!

A beautiful ram perched on a hill

A stunning checkerboard mesa

Going uphill on the Watchman Trail

Real junior ranger and intern Alexandra presented a great talk on constellations for an audience of children. We had to create our own constellation. I created Woodywood Peckerous in honor of the woodpecker I spotted on the Uncle Jim Trail in the North Rim of Grand Canyon

With my badge and patch before our hike on the Narrows - a river filled with rocks!

Jon enjoying one of his favorite things - waterfalls!

We're the only two hiking on the moderate Watchman Trail

Atop Watchman Trail overlooking the town of Springdale lower left of the picture

Sworn in as a junior ranger by volunteer ranger Marcel Rodriquez

In the mile long Narrows river up to my knees in water going upstream in my water shoes and tip-toeing my way through the the rocks

3 hours later we leave the walking sticks we found on he Temple Sinawawa trail on the way to the Narrows for the next
hikers to enjoy.
Read Next: How to Enjoy the National Parks
Hope you've been inspired to visit and hike Zion. Find out how to plan your
trip on the Zion National Park website. Happy Trails!