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Virgin Islands  2016

We spent Christmas in St Thomas and St John because we wanted to visit and hike in our 16th national park - Virgin Islands National Park in St. John. We flew to St. Thomas where our fabulous home for five days was a condo in Point Pleasant Resort. We spent twos days hiking, kayaking, and enjoying beautiful beaches in Virgin Islands national park.


A great view from our rented condo in

Point Pleasant Resort in St. Thomas

Reaching St. John - a 20 minute ferry from

Red Hook, St Thomas

Hiking on strenuous 2.6 mile Reef Bay Trail

Yes! We spotted a white tail deer on the trail!

Ruins of a sugar mill and other ancient buildings off Reef Bay Trail

After a strenuous hike, time to cool off in crystal clear aqua-green ocean water on Reef Bay Beach

Back in St. John for Mass Christmas morning before another day of hiking and the beach.

From the Lind Trailhead - a view of

beautiful St. Thomas

Honeymoon Beach will make

jump for joy!

Christmas kayaking!

Back on the ferry to St Thomas

Welcome to St. John  for  a great day of 

hiking and the beach

One of many humungous spiders spinning their massive webs along the trail

One of hundreds of hermit crabs crawling 

throughout the forest and trail.

Reaching the end of the 2.9 Reef Bay trail hike where a little piece of heavy awaits us

A great day of exploring, hiking, and swimming ends with a beautiful sunset as we wait on the ferry back to St. Thomas

The gorgeous view of Cruze Bay from atop the Lind Trailhead to Honeymoon Beach

We can see a beautiful blue ocean and Honeymoon Beach

Lying on cool aqua-blue ocean water is more refreshing than lying out on

the hot sand beach

A great day of hiking & kayakg in St. John. Now time to leave our hiking sticks behind for others to enjoy!

There was no junior ranger program to participate in so I bought a patch to sew onto my fleece

Hope you've been inspired to visit and hike in Virgin Islands national park. To plan you trip, visit Virgin Islands National Park website.

Happy Trails!

All photos ©Miriam Diaz-Gilbert
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