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Everglades 2017

We combined a trip to Everglades and Biscayne national parks outside Miami with the Wildcat 100 mile ultra in Pensacola. This was our first 'racecation.' We flew to Miami and picked up our Cruise America RV rental. We spent two days in Everglades, got soaked on a awesome airboat ride, held baby alligators, spent a day in Biscayne, a night in Sugarloaf Key, a day trip in Islamorada and Key West, a night in Naples with friends, and then drove 11 hours to Pensacola for the ultra. We hooked up our RV four nights at the sight of the ultra. The day after the ultra, we enjoyed Pensacola Beach and Gulf State Park in Alabama.

We hooked our Cruise America RV at

Miami Everglades RV Resort Park.

It is a great place.

Our home for two days and two nights

On the Anhinga Trail - a boardwalk - grasshoppers jump on each other

Another grasshopper in the lily pond

Picked up my junior ranger activity for Everglades, Biscayne, and Big Cypress Natural Preserve. It was pretty demanding.

An alligator resting under shady bushes by the boardwalk

The .8 mile Anhinga Trail is surrounded by water, some alligators, lots of grasshoppers, some birds,  water plants and flowers,

and lots of insects.

The bumble bee and the flower beautifully adorn each other

On the Gumbo Limbo Trail - forest like trail with lots of gumbo limb trees, ferns,

and insects.

Hope you've been inspired you to visit and hike Everglades. To plan your trip, visit the Everglades National Park website.

Happy Trails!

All photos ©Miriam Diaz-Gilbert
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